Collective worship

At St Teresa's we believe collective worship plays a fundamental part in the daily  life of our school. It enables us to join together as one community in prayer and  worship. 


School Assemblies


Class Assemblies



Classroom Prayers


Expectations of Prayer

Prayer may be planned or spontaneous in school. A simple outline of our expectations of prayer at St Teresa’s:


From Reception, children learn to make the Sign of the Cross and begin to recite the Morning Offering, Grace before and after Lunch and the Night Prayer with their teacher.


Sign of the Cross, Morning Offering, Grace before and after Lunch, Night Prayer, Hail Mary, Our Father, Glory Be


As KS1 also know the Angelus, Hail Holy Queen and have experienced The Magnificat as part of prayer life.


Prayer can be seen in many forms and ways:

Praise: the highest form of prayer, giving praise to God.


Thanksgiving: to be thankful for all that we have or are gifted from God. To know that everything comes from God.


Repentance: when we reflect on how we sometimes fall short of the Gospel values and we ask God for His forgiveness.


Petition: we ask for God’s help, intercession, for ourselves, for others and for the world.



Our Parish Priest, Father Gerry, asks children to bring three prayers to Mass: 

To say thank-you for something or somebody

To say sorry for something

To ask for help with something



Collective Worship Policy.pdf